Read my newest story
The Devil Takes His Time
It all started when…
The Devil came a-callin’ for Chester, and Lord knows that scoundrel had it coming. Dirty lowdown coward abandoned the south in her time of need. left his brothers bleedin’ and a dyin’ behind a wall while the yankees advanced, slaughtering everyone they found, He coulda stayed, fought for the southern Cross and died for the cause, like a man. But no. Chester ran like a weasel. A coward if there ever was one.
excerpt from “The Devil Takes His time” from critical blast publishing
Fresh for 2024
Night of the Spider
test your fear of spiders in the Horror zine’s book of Monster stories - Available as of January 26th, 2024.
It all started when…
“This version is tight, exciting, and full of suspense. It went from a good story into a great one.” - Jeani Rector - editor of the Horror Zine’s book of Monster stories - after reading my re-writes for “Night of the spider.”
JANE IS DEAD..... READ ABOUT HER IN "THE BASEMENT" - available now In The Horror Zine’s Book of Ghost Stories.
“this collection of ghost stories is fresh, varied, and entertaining. Perfect company for a long winter’s night,” - Owen King, co-author of sleeping beauties

Recently released
I wrote the basement to capture something that really scares me and It’s Not Vampires, Zombies, or monsters. sure, they’ll make me jump in a movie but deep down inside I don’t believe they are real. Ghosts, however, are very real. I believe in spirits, angels and demons. I’ve witnessed too much not to. But it’s a basement that sincerely freaks me out. I remember playing as a child and the other kids went to go upstairs. Then it’s a race and Lord help you if you’re the last one up. That’s when the Ghost will get you! I still get the creeps being alone in one and even tonight, as I write this, I wouldn’t go downstairs. no way! Enjoy reading “the Basement” and let me know if you can relate.
Best of 2023
Mendenhall Massacre
From the cradle to the grave - J. L. Lane Publications
concerned about global warming, retreating glaciers, and melting permafrost? an often overlooked looming disaster is the thawing and release of deadly bacteria and other biological hazards. I’m talking about viruses humans have never seen before. great fodder for a horror story, right? i gave the hazard some teeth, made them more monstrous, and turned up the carnage.
read all about the Mendenhall massacre in “From THE cradle to the Grave” from J. L. LANE publications.
This Holiday Season treat yourself to
An Urchin’s Christmas
join Cyrus, the Urchin, for Christmas Dinner in SINK YOUR TEETH INTO CHRISMAS FROM GRAVESTONE PRESS.
Critics’ Choice
A stunning story, Dan, thank you SO much. It captures the very essence of the anthology theme.
Dorothy Davies, Editor Gravestone Press
Dorothy Davies, Editor Gravestone Press
In “ABDUCTION”, I revisit two things that haunt me the most, Alzheimer’S and the holocaust.
as RUTH’s family comes to move her into a long-term care facility, the elderly lady recalls another time she was taken away.
the past merges with the present in “ABDUCTION” - available RIGHT nOW “WHEN THEY CaME FOR YOU” - a new horror anthology from gravestone press.
Before Putin’s War…
Escape of the egg thief is featured in the July 2022 release of “FREEDOM” from Gravestone Press,
Escape of the Egg Thief
On a broken-down farm in a desolate land, Jazz is held captive and forced to work for her keep. The only chore she looks forward to is collecting eggs. Jazz forms an unusual bond with the chickens and trains the birds to be aggressive. Ultimately their enthusiasm provides her with a terrifying path to freedom.
I wrote Escape of the Egg Thief a couple of years ago, long before anyone believed Russia would invade Ukraine. The story is set in the restricted zone west of Prypyat and one hundred and fifty kilometers from Kyiv. Maybe it’s appropriate that I picked this location but it saddens me now all the same.
Once upon a Scream - From Gravestone Press
Unlicensed to live
Sleeping Beauty - Reimagined
Set in the not-too-distant future where A government once again interferes with reproduction rights. Licenses are required prior to conception and are rarely Approved. Sensors monitor the population and pregnancies are easily detected. The rules are strictly enforced with Mandatory abortions and prison sentences.
One brave woman fights back and manages to bring an unauthorized child to term. Once discovered, the Punishment is swift and brutal. A technicality saves the baby’s life but instead she is sentenced to be cryogenically frozen once she reaches the age of maturity.
One word of caution, this is a horror story and there isn’t likely to be a happily ever after.
Best of 2022
Don’t Look
the inspiration for this story came from a visit to the Capuchin catacombs in Sicily. it left me overwhelmed with dread and sadness. I thought writing about it would help. I’m not sure it did. I’ve attempted to add humor to make it bearable.
Johnny was inspired by Tony soprano and has a little bit of me mixed in. Meghan is fictional. WOnky is as real as it gets. the story centres around his eye and his ability to communicate.
The Capuchin catacombs exist but don’t mistake them for a tourist attraction and don’t underestimate the horror you will find within.
“DON’T LOOK” - available in the “EYES” themed horror anthology from Gravestone press.
Dipping into Blood
Messy Little Lives
parents always try to protect their children from the truth. perhaps they think their little brains can’t process the information or deal with the fear.
Problem is the children know more than the parents are willing to accept and their active imaginations fill in the missing pieces, often more disturbing than the facts.
in the immortal words of Pat benatar - because hell, hell is for children and you know that their little lives can become such a mess.
Messy Little Lives is in Dipping Into Blood from Gravestone Press
Best of 2021
“Dan Allen digs deep to bring you a romantic love story just in time for Halloween.”
Right on. But it’s fake news. I’m a horror writer, damn it, and there’s very few happy endings!
in the heart of Georgia, way down south past the blue ridge mountains, The evil Dr. Finkler experiments on the helpless residents of the Birmingham Lunatic Asylum. In 1948 A strange winter blizzard ends Finkler’s reign of terror.
nearly fifty years later, the insane asylum has morphed into a mental health institute, a much safer, gentler place. But there is a secret within its walls and another freak winter storm is brewing. threatening to expose a deadly connection to the past.
Finkler was the first story chosen for Terror Unleashed and it is available from SKYWATCHER PRESS.
REview from Amazon:
All the stories are good but I have to spend a moment on three which stood out above the rest for me.
The first is Dan Allen's tale, "Finkler", which takes place in a psychiatric hospital and jumps back and forth in time between the 1940s and the 1990s. It tells of a doctor who was a little too fond of amputations and lobotomies, and of the simple-minded but powerful young boy who called forth a storm of supernatural proportions to save himself from the doctor's knife.
Don’t know where to start?
A collection of the best short stories from Gravestone Press
Previously Used
Previously Used is a collection of the best short horror stories from Gravestone Press as chosen by editor dorothy davies.
It includes three of my most favorite pieces of work.
THe Beggar - The hit story that started it all has been reprinted four times in three continents.
Above the ceiling - Selected by bards & SAGES for best new speculative fiction, this terrifying look at alzheimer’s has been published three times.
Where ONLY the Mosquitoes sing - originally written for my kids, this campfire story has appeared in print multiple times. Look for it again this summer in THE SIRENS CALL.
Previously used is now available in a HARD COVER EDITION!
Give your eyes a break!
Listen to Finkler on Tales to Terrify
artwork courtesy of Andi HODGETTs, author of “StoneHurst”
FINKLER written by Dan Allen, performed by Brian Rollins.
in the heart of Georgia, way down south past the blue ridge mountains, The evil Dr. Finkler experiments on the helpless residents of the Birmingham Lunatic Asylum. In 1948 A strange winter blizzard ends Finkler’s reign of terror.
nearly fifty years later, the insane asylum has morphed into a mental health institute, a much safer, gentler place. But there is a secret within its walls and another freak winter storm is brewing. threatening to expose a deadly connection to the past.
The Choice
Do you have a sibling? A sister perhaps, or maybe a brother. You may even be twins. That would be special. Now what if you lose a parent and the other one can’t cope. What if they can only deal with one child and something terrible must happen to the other. What if a parent needs to make a choice.
About the Author
Dan Allen writes dark speculative fiction and was first published in 2017. His breakout year came in 2019 and featured many exciting new releases.
“Sympathy for the Zingara” (Parabnormal Magazine March 2019)
“Where Only the Mosquitoes Sing” (Monsters We Forgot Vol 3),
“Munchers” (Halloween Party 2019),
“Footprints” (Through Death’s Door),
“Corn Stalker” (Fears of a Clown),
“The Christmas Angel” (A Tree Lighting in Deathlehem)
2020 managed to create some memorable moments.
“Become the Beast” (Erie Tales),
Featured author on Tales to Terrify, including a live performance of his work,
“The Basement” (Horror Zine’s book of Ghost Stories),
Dan also completed the first draft of his debut novel and submitted the manuscript for professional editing. (working title - Joshua Ridge)
2021 produced more fantastic titles.
“Jenny” (Slice Girls)
“Abduction” (When They Come for You)
“Naked Wolf” (Legends of Night)
“Finkler” (Terror Unleashed)
“The Last Soda Shop” (Infection)
“The Turning” (Infection)
“Confessions of a Reaper” (Reaper Man)
“The Chase” (Reaper Man)
“First Kiss” (Bloodlust)
“Rest in Peace” (Bloodlust)
2022 promises to be awesome with an early line-up already published and several others under contract
“Don’t Look” (Eyes)
“Messy Little Lives” (Dipping into Blood)
“The Acid Queen” (Dipping into Blood)
“Unlicensed to Live” (Once Upon a Scream)
“Escape of The Egg Thief” (Freedom)
“Mendenhall Massacre” (Cradle to Grave)
“An Urchin’s Christmas” (SInk Your Teeth into Christmas)
News and Updates
Inspired by dickens, I wrote "The Christmas Angel” from the point of view of another infamous villain. Ebenezer believes Christmas is harvest season for the money lenders. This monster will tell you Christmas is his favorite season as well - Harvest season for the soul takers. when I read it back, I hear the voice of the immortal poet Mick Jagger. Not sure why but it’s more fun that way.
I’m very proud to have “THE CHRISTMAS ANGEL” chosen for this special anthology of holiday horrors for charity. Proceeds go to the Elizabeth Glaser pediatric aids foundation.
I wrote a nostalgic story “Where Only The Mosquitoes Sing”. It’s set in the north country and I thought it would be fun to tell around a campfire. The folks at Soteira Press did too and have selected it for their anthology “The Monsters We Forgot.”
I don't think I could have picked a better title. I had an absolute blast with this one and I hope friends and family will love it too when I subject them to a reading next summer, up north, after dark, at the cottage by the lake.
Become The Beast
For all you foodies out there, Become the beast is a yummy morsel served fresh from the demented mind of Dan Allen, FIND it in Erie tales 12 - LITTLE Bites and Finger Food. This publication includes a collection of awesome stories from the authors of the Great lakes association of horror writers.
Now Available - Legends of the Night Drabble series
BLOOD LUSt DRABBLES #2 - Includes first Kiss and REST IN PEACE
Above the Ceiling
“Above the ceiling” (Originally published in Home sweet home by Millhaven press Sept 2018) is featured in bards and sages annual anthology of the years best INDIE speculative fiction.
Hard to describe how cool it is to be included in a “Best of” collection. this story was originally inspired by a mischievous raccoon but it evolved into something deeper - a glimpse at the horror of Alzheimer’s.
a man is locked in to prevent wandering. he struggles to understand the noises he hears and is frustrated others don’t believe.
Can he figure out what is real and what isn’t? Can you?
“leave your sanity at the door” - Millhaven press
New Release
FOOTPRINTS is a reimagined telling of the classical story of a shipwrecked explorer stranded on a deserted island. At first glance our survivor wanders the beach in search of food and water but all is not as it seems and soon the mirage is broken and the truth is revealed.
When I was tasked with writing a story for an anthology about death I quickly realized that we had already discovered every possible way to die - well, at least on earth.
If you've been wanting to check out one of my stories, this is a great one to start with. It’s short, comical, and as always… creepy!
Sympathy for the Zingara
Soon to be married, a young couple spend some time apart as the final test of their love. Tony visits Florence, where he offends a beggar with his lack of compassion. He begins to dissolve, melting away piece by piece, and his only chance to see his Emilee again depends on his ability to change.
The Zingara is real and she is ruthless and she will have her revenge. This is My favorite story and the one you don’t want to miss! Before you leave the website, make sure to scroll to the bottom for a special introduction to the star of sympathy for the Zingara.
Great story, Dan. It was a privilege to include it. - H david blalock, editor
Jenny is out for revenge and she wants you to know exactly what you did.
I intended “munchers” to be something fun for the kids - You know, trick or treats, costumes, and jack-o-lanterns. And I really wanted buck, our brave little hero, to succeed… But there is a twist at the end and you should be prepared for it. After all, I am a horror writer damn it!
“munchers” is included in Halloween party 2019 from devil’s party press.
Corn Stalker
What better place for a real monster to hide than among those dressed to scare. corn stalker is a Halloween story inspired by a recent visit to the local fear farm.
find it in haunted holidays from thirteen o’clock press now available from lulu and amazon. Haunted Holidays covers the entire festive season with great stories from Halloween through Christmas.
Bloody Red Nose
“Bloody Red Nose - 15 fears of a clown” is a reprint anthology featuring a collection of the best creepy clown stories. this time specifically when the clown is the victim or at least they get what’s coming to them.
“Corn Stalker” is included in this anthology. it was originally published in Haunted Holidays from thirteen o’clock press.
Kind words - “your inversion of the horror trope of -killer using the trappings of entertainer - into - entertainer using the trappings of killer - is exactly the sort of idea i was seeking. I also found the uncertainty you maintained over your protagonist’s exact motives until the end both engaging and skilfully handled.” - DAVE Higgins, editor.
Stairway back to jonathan’s farm
secret stairs: a tribute to urban legend is now a certified best seller.
“it was only when he got there that his homelessness began” - thomas wolf - you can’t go home again
i never fully understood what it meant, the idea you can’t go home again. until i made my way back to the farm and now i understand.
Missing Things
terrific story Shows you Where lost items go until they are ready to be found. I think i may have caused some harm to come to Nudger. (she thinks she is the star of the story)
You’ll never hunt for missing objects again without remembering Missing Things - found in bringing it back from horrified press. Previously only available in the u.k. from Lulu, it is now on amazon in Canada and the U.S.
Through the dark volume 2 - features the twisted thriller “urges”. an inmate is interviewed for answers to missing details. there are claims of not being responsible and no acceptance of guilt. Who can be blamed when no one is at fault? Judge for yourself as the truth is slowly revealed.
The Beggar - reprinted in India
The beggar appears in the New years 2019 issue of culture cult magazine, india’s acclaimed journal of arts, literature and culture.
The editor matched the story with some very interesting art work from controversial impressionist Emile Nolde.
culture cult magazine is available from most online book stores and it is also available for free on their website www.culturecultmagazine.com
Back Catalog
Virgil’s Load
A drabble is exactly 100 words long and must tell a complete story. This anthology has 101 pieces of flash fiction from 87 authors and covers everything from dark fantasy to science fiction.
I have a disturbing little entry called virgil’s load and I think you’ll love it. DrabbleDark is still available online.
The Forgotten One
Jitter Press calls “The Forgotten One” CREEPTASTIC.
My story, "The Forgotten One", can be found in issue #6 of Jitter Press, november 2017.
READ it now at www.jitterpress.com
The Beggar
GET the story that started it all, MY first and still popular - "THE BEGGAR". it was originally published IN DARK DOSSIER'S 2017 HALLOWEEN MAGAZINE and you may still find it available online.
"loved it!" - Jamie Evans, EDITOR, Dark Dossier
We are at the end now, but I promised you a sneak peek at my favorite villain.
It all started when…
Please allow me to introduce The infamous ghost beggar of Florence and the star of sympathy for the Zingara . she is in the march 2019 edition of Parabnormal DIGEST. It is best not to touch her and never, ever, accept anything she offers.
Dan Allen is a member of the Horror Writer's Association. The HWA is a nonprofit organization of writers and publishing professionals around the world, dedicated to promoting dark literature and the interests of those who write it.
Dan Allen is a member of the great lakes association of horror writers. THe GLAHW is A collective and compendiums of writers, artists, and fans exploring the genre of horror, science fiction, fantasy, true crime, and horotica.